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Dentsply Sirona

2D/3D hybrid X-ray unit - Orthophos SL 3D


The true all-in-one imaging unit.


With the Orthophos SL, your practice is extremely well prepared for various treatment situations. On the 2D side, the groundbreaking DCS sensor and SL technology satisfy the requirements of practitioners with very high demands for panoramic imaging. In 3D, you can decide (now or later) between the 8 cm x 8 cm or  11 cm x 10 cm volume unit. Both units offer a variety of collimations.


In combination with the pioneering Sidexis 4 imaging software, the Orthophos SL gives you access to a variety of innovative treatment solutions. Orthophos SL 3D can be equipped at any time with a cephalometric arm.


Patients appreciate the soothing Ambient Light, which offers a choice of over 30 colors for a pleasant atmosphere in your X-ray room that fits perfectly into the look of your practice.

What makes the Orthophos SL special?

More possibilities for your practice without compromises.

Revolutionary 2D DCS images for efficient diagnosis

Thanks to the DCS (Direct Conversion Sensor) technology which skips light conversion and therefore mantains more image information, you benefit from unparallely sharp images.

All teeth automatically in the sharp layer

The sharp layer technology automatically adapts the panoramic curve to the patient‘s individual anatomical features, ensuring that the entire jaw is always in the sharp layer.

Variety of volumes for more treatment options

A selectable field of view starting at a focused 5 cm x 5.5 cm volume and going up to 11 cm x 10 cm for upper airway analysis allows for a broader practice offering.

Automatic positioning aids optimize your practice workflow

The new EasyPad, patented occlusal bite block, Easy Volume Indicator lights and 3-Point Head Fixation: never has it been easier to perfectly position patients quickly and efficiently.

2D X-ray units - Orthophos XG 5


Wide variety for perfect results


Simple operation and variable features: Orthophos XG 5 is the solution for general dentists and orthodontists. With more programs than the Orthophos XG 3, it offers even more diagnostic options. The horizontally and veritcally reduced pediatric panoramic program offers outstanding image quality with the lowest dose. Ideal for practices which treat a lot of children.


Orthophos XG 5 is supplied with the imaging software Sidexis for better, faster and safer diagnostics.

Benefits at a glance

The relevant solution for general dentists and orthodontists

Striking image quality with CsI and ASTRA suits your diagnosis

Sophisticated diagnostic options at your fingertips for endodontics, periodontics, implantology, orthodontics and surgery.

All the digital advantages at great value for money

Great image quality that is instantly accesible, easy data handling and image diagnosis via Sidexis 4 and great patient communication with Sidexis iX - with Orthophos XG 5 you get all the digital advantages for your practice at low costs.

Perfectly prepared for pediatric cases

The horizontally and vertically reduced pediatric panoramic program offers outstanding image quality with a minimal dose and a optional cephalometric arm offers all key views for orthodontics.

Investment security based on tried and tested quality

With Orthophos XG 5 you know what to expect: proven "Made in Germany" quality installed in thousands of practices worldwide.

2D X-ray units - Orthophos XG 3


Quality from the very start


High-quality. Durable. Safe: the Orthophos XG 3 X-ray unit is the perfect basic equipment for general dentists. The unit's easy operation and seamless integration into your practice's daily routines will save you valuable time. The high image quality and proven Sidexis software guarantees that you will reach a safe diagnosis quickly and easily. The positioning can be very easily reproduced, since image parameters such as the bite block height are saved together with the image data. A bitewing program is available, which helps in special cases and patient situations where intraoral images cannot be used and a shorter panoramic program with a reduced dose, which is suitable for treating children, is also available.

Benefits at a glance

The perfect basic equipment for general dentists.

Striking image quality with CsI and ASTRA suits your diagnosis

Sophisticated diagnostic options at your fingertips for endodontics, periodontics, implantology, orthodontics and surgery.

Investment security based on tried and tested quality

With Orthophos XG 3 you know what to expect: proven "Made in Germany" quality installed in thousands of practices worldwide.

All the digital advantages at great value for money

Great image quality that is instantly accesible, easy data handling and image diagnosis via Sidexis 4 and great patient communication with Sidexis iX - with Orthophos XG 3 you get all the digital advantages for your practice at low costs

Great fit for limited space offering

With a very compact but smart design, the Orthophos XG 3 is a great fit for practices with limited space to share.

2D X-ray units - Orthophos XG 3D ready


Quality for today, options for tomorrow


Orthophos XG 3D ready makes the ideal partner for general dentists and group practices that wish to actively plan and shape their futures. With a range of programs, this unit offers you all the diagnostic options. The intuitive EasyPad control panel and automatic patient positioning with the occlusal bite block ensure an efficient workflow. And last but not least, you can add a cephalometric arm and/or a 3D sensor at any time. So if you want to expand your practice offering at any time in the future, you don't have to worry about it today.


The Orthophos XG 3D ready units are supplied with the Dentsply Sirona Imaging software, Sidexis 4, for better, safer and faster diagnostics.

Benefits at a glance

The advanced model for future-proof practices

Striking image quality with CsI and ASTRA suits your diagnosis

Sophisticated diagnostic options at your fingertips for endodontics, periodontics, implantology, orthodontics and surgery.

When your practice grows, your Orthophos XG 3D ready can grow with it

Whenever a new associate joins the practice or you want to develop your diagnostic capabilities, you can add a cephalometric arm or a 3D sensor without replacing your Orthophos unit.

Occlusal bite block and EasyPad for intuitive operation

Prevents incorrect exposures with a unit that is easy to handle for your practice team and offers patented solutions for reliable positioning.

Investment security based on tried and tested quality

With Orthophos XG 3D ready you know what to expect: proven "Made in Germany" quality installed in thousands of practices worldwide.

VistaVox S


Gennemtænkt 3D-diagnostik - VistaVox S har et ideelt volumen, som er tilpasset kæbens form


VistaVox S apparatets særlige kendetegn er det ideelle 3D-afbildningsvolumen, som er baseret på den menneskelige anatomi. VistaVox  S apparatets kæbeformede Field of View gengiver det diagnostisk relevante område med et volumen på 130 mm og er dermed betydeligt større end det gængse volumen på Ø 80 x 80 mm. Fordel: VistaVox  S gengiver også hele området med de bageste molarer vha. denne forandrede volumenform - en essentiel forudsætning for diagnostikken af f.eks. en impakteret 8er. Desuden byder VistaVox S på ti yderligere voluminer på Ø 50 x 50 mm. De kan anvendes, når det kun er nødvendigt med en bestemt kæberegion i forbindelse med indikationen, f.eks. ved endodontiske og implantologiske behandlinger. Volumenet kan anvendes med en opløsning på 80 eller 120 μm alt efter om det er nødvendigt med en detaljeret optagelse.


Med den velkendte S-Pan-teknologi og de yderligere 17 panoramaprogrammer, er en tandlægepraksis udstyret med det bedste billedreproducerende diagnostiksudstyr indenfor 2D- såvel som 3D-området.


Afgørende egenskaber:


  • Ideelt 3D-afbildningsvolumen i kæbeform

  • Ø 50 x 50 mm Volumen i 80 eller 120 μm opløsning

  • 2D- og 3D-optagelser med kun ét apparat

  • Fremragende billedkvalitet i 2D og 3D takket være CsI-sensoren med 49,5 μm pixelstørrelse og høj opløsning

  • Reduceret stråledosis på grund af tilpasset anatomisk volumen

  • Op til 62 % mindre dosis i standard SQ-modus

  • Metal-artefakt-reduktion i 3D- og 2D-optagelser

  • 7"-berøringsdisplay til intuitiv betjening

  • Moderne, ergonomisk billedbehandlingssoftware VistaSoft


2D-optagelser af fremragende billedkvalitet


VistaVox S byder ikke kun på fremragende betingelser med hensyn til forholdet mellem kvalitet og pris, men gør også dig og dit praksisteam fleksibelt. For udover DVT-optagelser fremstiller du også brilliante panoramaoptagelser med VistaVox S, som er normgivende i billedskarphed ved ekstraorale optagelser takket være S-pan-teknologien. â€‹


De vigtigste hovedpunkter:


  • S-Pan-teknologi til enkel diagnostik

  • CsI-sensor sørger for bedre billedkvalitet og reduceret røntgeneksponering

  • Ekstremt hurtig: panorameoptagelse på 7 sekunder

  • Tolerant ved typiske fejlpositioneringer - takket være S-pan-teknologi

VistaPano S Ceph – den nye standard for ergonomi og effektivitet


Hurtige profil billeder med lav røntgendosis


Med den nye VistaPano S Ceph kan der tages profil billeder nemt og hurtigt – og dette endda med den lavest mulige røntgen dosis. Med den ekstrem korte scanningstid på kun 4,1 sekunder, reduceres risikoen for uskarpheder grundet bevægelser, betydeligt. Kombinationen med den meget lave røntgendosis og den korte scanningstid er en væsentlig fordel ved unge patienter. Eftersom der allerede er integreret to High-End-CsI-sensorer – til panoramarøntgen og Ceph-funktion – i apparatet, skal der ikke bruges tid på udskiftning af sensorer, eller risikere beskadigelse af sensoren under udskiftningen. Alt dette gør at VistaPano S Ceph er den ideelle røntgenløsning. Derudover byder VistaPano S Ceph på alle funktionerne og fordelene ved VistaPano S.​


Afgørende egenskaber:


  • Meget hurtig scanning inden for 4,1 sekunder (hoved lat.)

  • Fremragende billedkvalitet

  • Lave røntgendosis

  • Ingen sensorudskiftning, eftersom der er integreret to High-End-CsI-sensorer

VistaPano S

Det digitale panoramarøntgenapparat med S-Pan-teknologi


Med VistaPano S sætter Dürr Dental en ny standard hvad angår billedskarphed i forbindelse med ekstraorale optagelser. Derudover overbeviser 2D-panoramarøntgenapparatet vha. sin enkle betjening og et konsekvent gennemtænkt workflow, som understøttes med et innovativt 7" touch display. Vha. to innovative teknologier opnår VistaPano S sine fremragende gengivelsesegenskaber. For det første vha. den moderne CsI-sensorteknologi, der giver en forbedret billedkvalitet og derved en væsentlig bedre diagnostik. For det andet vha. S-Pan-teknologien, som anvender billedinformationerne fra de enkelte patientoptagelser til automatisk at præsentere en knivskarp panoramagengivelse for hver enkelt position af tand- og kæbesituationen. Hurtigscannings-funktionen muliggør en fuldstændig OPG-optagelse inden for en ekstrem kort optagelsestid på blot syv sekunder, hvorved patienten kun udstættes for en ultra lav røntgendosis.


Afgørende egenskaber:


  • S-Pan-teknologi til enkel diagnostik

  • CsI-sensor sørger for bedre billedkvalitet og reduceret røntgendosis

  • Slankt design, lille ståflade

  • Ekstremt hurtig: OPG-optagelse på blot 7 sekunder

  • ​


Dürr Dental

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